The bedroom that we slept in was right off the living room. Some night’s I went to bed earlier than Andrew and on this particular one my sleep was restless. I was dozing in and out for while when all of a sudden I heard noises outside one of our bedroom windows – the one right by my head. This house was not located on a busy street and our bedroom did not face the sidewalk, so to hear a noise that close - someone would have had to walk up deliberately to that window.
The noises turned into sounds of “people” whispering. I thought “what the heck” and craned my neck to peer outside, into the darkness. I didn't see anything. The whispering increased in sound to where I could hear them speak- to me – “we’re coming to get you and we will find a way in”. I could hear them “walking” up and down the side of the house.. up and down… up and down… all the while whispering loudly as they passed by my window. I was getting scared, very scared. Now they were arguing with each other as to who would be the first to enter.
I was frozen, not literally this time, in bed - scooting into the middle so they couldn't see me. Thoughts raced in my head… “no this can’t be real- I don’t see anything.. but what if there was real people out there??.. what if they somehow got inside and hurt us??... I need to do something- Now!”. So, quiet as a church mouse, I slid down to the foot of the bed- under the covers just in case. I crawled out from the sheets onto the floor. “Quiet- I must be very quiet”. Slowly, very slowly I inched my way along the floor toward our bedroom door. I could still hear them walking but they were no longer whispering, they were talking loudly now – not afraid of being heard.
Once I reached the door I opened it gently, light flooded the room from the glare of the tv. I quickly slid into the living room, like a snake, then stood up and ran to Andrew – who was asleep on the couch. I shook him awake and said “there are people outside of our house and we need to call the police – now- right now!” He came instantly awake and so did our dog, Micky. The both got up and headed through our kitchen into the garage and to the side door… me trailing behind saying “no- you can’t go out there – let’s just call the police”. To no avail, they were not listening to me.
On his way out Andrew grabbed something in the garage, I believe it was a tire iron but I’m not sure. He swung open the side door that led directly to where they were walking, with purpose he stepped outside – Micky right on his trail.
He looked to the right, the left – nothing – no one was there. Micky started to growl and moved toward our bedroom window, Andrew followed behind. They walked the perimeter of our house, nothing – no one – not a sound to be heard.
But They were still there, I could feel them staring at me through the darkness.
The Shadow People had returned...
Great! Ghost Hunters please apply here! I've had some experiences myself, and the main ones are on redgage.