No, I’m not going into the reasons why our marriage didn't last… It wasn't “one” particular thing, just many little ones combined. So moving on with my story… I found this adorable 2 bedroom, wooden house located in a small beach community. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. The house was nestled among trees and sort of hidden on a side street. The little back porch was surrounded by palm trees and shrubs so it had sort of a “jungle” feel. And the inside, oh my gosh, was just gorgeous… with wooden floors, an open living room that had 2 huge doors leading into the master bedroom, lot’s of windows overlooking the “jungle” and old fashioned wooden blinds that came three quarters of the way up the windows. I was in heaven that I had found such a cool place to live.
What was really sad though is that Mickey, our dog, missed my husband very much and it broke my heart how he was always looking at the door- listening to every car coming down the street – just hoping that Andrew would come walking in. With much regret I decided to let Mickey go live with Andrew :( so now it was just me, myself and I. Well for a little while anyway until I adopted a feral kitten off the street. I named her Lucy and when I would come home from work I would say… wait for it lol… You guessed it “Lucy I’m Home” (said with a Ricky Ricardo like accent :0).
Lucy and I settled into our new home and it was a couple of months or so before I got a “feeling” that something just wasn't quite right… Hmmm, you know that feeling I’m talking about, the one where you come walking into your house and you just know that you are not alone. It soon became apparent that “they” were back and, unbeknownst to me, had moved in when I wasn't looking.
The first attack happened one night when I fell asleep in my bed while reading a book. I woke up with a start when I felt pressure on my chest. At first I thought that Lucy may have come to lay on me - I looked down and nope, no Lucy. My little bedroom lamp was still on so I could see the surroundings and although I didn't see anything, I sure as heck could “feel” them. They felt like a dark, heavy, evil presence… it’s difficult to describe and unless this has happened to you, perhaps even more difficult to comprehend.
The pressure on my chest increased and now I felt invisible hands closing around my throat. I opened my mouth to scream but only a croaking sound escaped my lips. I heard soft, evil whispers… “we are coming for you mwuahahaha..” and with that, as suddenly as They had come – They were gone. That was just a minor incident in what would become the most horrifying couple of years in my life.
Oh my goodness-that is terrifying! I watch shows like 'the haunting' 'celebrity ghost stories' etc.. but when it's really happening to you, it's a whole different thing. I plan on following your blog. Thanks for the friend connect on RedGage.
ReplyDeleteI love your pics Linda :)) thank you for accepting and reading my blog xoxo Debz